Neighbors Helping Neighbors:
Bridgewater, Vermont

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
                                                                                           ~ Margaret Meade

Neighbors have always helped neighbors here in our small community of Bridgewater. On Aug. 20, our town, sandwiched between Killington and Woodstock on Route 4 in Central Vermont, turned 250 and neighbors joined together for a day of celebration.

A week later on Aug. 28, Hurricane Irene (which had been downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit our state) funneled into our Green Mountain community.

And life changed. But in some ways, for the better.

Our community came together like it never has before, and neighbors are truly helping neighbors. Our Grange Hall is full of supplies for those who need it. Meals are being delivered. Local residents are rebuilding roads and bridges and helping each other recover from the floods.

There are 930 residents who live in Bridgewater. Of those, at least 68 households have been affected by the floods, many losing everything. That number is expected to rise as town officials continue to visit each home in the community.

But we are rebuilding and we are resilient - that's what we do in Vermont and that's who we are. With your donation, we can help our neighbors regain much of what they have lost. From all of us in Bridgewater, thank you for your support.


Make checks payable to:
Neighbors Helping Neighbors Hurricane Fund

Send checks to:
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
PO Box 39
Bridgewater, VT 05034-0039

Or pay by credit card